Jubilee Government Are Assasins Who Want To Kill Me- Cries Out Mbita M.P Millie Odhiambo

Mbita MP Millie Odhiambo has issued a long statement explaining how her life has been threatened ever since the preparation for the 2013 general elections.
Through her Facebook account, the ODM lawmaker said;

"Sometime while preparing for Elections of 2013, the legal Committee received a list of three people appointed by then President Kibaki for appointment as CJ, DPP and AG. He had failed to consult the Prime Minister as stipulated by law. Though we ( ODM) were the legal ( dejure) majority in the committee, because of realignments, we had become the de facto minority.
We decided to oppose this and write a minority report of three. It turned out one of us was compromised so we were about to remain a minority of two die-hands ( sycophants) until the PM intervened and got the one lost sheep back on the fold.
The other team was not happy and while on my way to Mbita I got a call that hit men had been hired to kill the three of us plus the PM and the Speaker as we had become a stumbling block to presidential succession.
I reported immediately upon arrival to MBITA Police Station and was guarded by none other than the OCPD and a truck-load of police until 11 pm when the police left. Then we were immediately attacked by a group of about six armed men ( with guns).
We were saved by a car that miraculously refused to accelerate when the thugs drove but could reverse. Thereafter the police IG said I was not attacked and was merely playing politics. When the matter was placed on media, majority believed I was only playing politics and was not attacked.
The late Commissioner Mary Onyango who was with me was very traumatized. Nothing ever came of the matter even though for a long time the private eye we hired could tell where Mary's phone was but the police could not.

2015 I again got a call from a guy who told me he had been hired to kill me by a male MP who was unhappy that I had embarrassed him by revealing something criminal he had done. I did not report to the police to protect this guy who had pleaded that if the matter became public he would be killed. He was warning me to be cautious. Did not want any reward.
This year I reported to Mbita police Station about people who were allegedly overheard planning to kill me before elections since they realized I can not be dislodged through the ballot. Nothing has been done.
This year I also reported to Parliament Police about a guy who had gone online with a gun and bullets earmarked for me and Joho. I was told they knew who he is and were about to arrest him- months ago.
Nothing of it,
A few days ago I was called by a person unknown to me telling me of a plot hatched to kill me by a team in Jubilee working with a Mbita aspirant who I am informed was sponsored by Jubilee. In the plot I am to be way laid by a pro box in Mbita and shot.
My bag and other items are to be placed in a place owned by a gubernatorial candidate in HB so that he takes the fall making it look like local politics.
The person who called me is either highly imaginative or was in on an elaborate plot. Either way, I have history to go by. Surprised that names of two women legislatures from both side came up. Watching. Observing. Listening"
Jubilee Government Are Assasins Who Want To Kill Me- Cries Out Mbita M.P Millie Odhiambo Jubilee Government Are Assasins Who Want To Kill Me- Cries Out Mbita M.P Millie Odhiambo Reviewed by maajabu on December 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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