Former President Mwai Kibaki Moves To Court Seeking These 3 Demands

The former President and his co-director of Mathingira Wholesalers Ltd, Mr Kimwatu Kanyungu, want the Court of Appeal to reverse the orders issued by the Environmental and Land Court.

Mr Kibaki wants the superior Court to reverse the earlier directive that two sections of the company continue to manage the business jointly.

Through their lawyer Kamau Kuria, the two also want the appellate court to terminate the order that the company appoints new board officials to manage its affairs.

They also want the court to order the removal of the directors running the company and the control of the firm reverted to them.

The lawyer further argued that the applicants were not heard by Justice Lucy Waithaka while issuing the orders.

 Kuria faulted the High Court Judge for ignoring the principle that equity follows the law.

He also argued that some parties in the suit died and there were no substitutions made for them.

The dispute started in 2008 when the firm's directors failed to agree on its management after a new chairman was appointed, replacing Mr Kanyungu.

Former President Mwai Kibaki Moves To Court Seeking These 3 Demands Former President Mwai Kibaki Moves To Court Seeking These 3 Demands Reviewed by maajabu on November 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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